Our project, building on the transnational and interdisciplinary strengths of our consortium, is at the heart of the objectives of the NANoReg Programme, and in particular at the ProSafe call as shown below:

  1. Our project will establish a comprehensive SbD Guideline for a product category among the nanomaterials, which is highly industry relevant and, being in the Life Science industry, situated in a future oriented growth market. This SbD Guideline, by taking a systemic view, will be giving a broader picture and overview for European SMEs and European Research Institutes how to address SbD in R&D and industrial innovation processes.
  2. Focused industry driven case studies for nanobiomaterials will highlight a “deep dive” in specific polymeric nanobiomaterials for drug delivery. In those in-depth studies, the specific innovation process will be evaluated and verified under a Safe-by-Design approach to allow establishing consolidated step-by-step procedures for this industry branch.
  3. The third approach of the project, to build up an easy accessible knowledge base, disseminate this knowledge and make it accessible by specific training offerings, will be the enabler for European SMEs to fully capture the opportunities of nanobiomaterials, in particular for polymeric drug delivery systems.